Dundee Kim Trains Australian Open Tennis Player Alicia Smith

This year, Dundee Kim has been working as the strength and conditioning coach for Alicia Smith, Australian Open Tennis player 2017. Dundee was focussed on helping Alicia improve her speed, power, hand eye coordination, confidence and discipline. “Working with dundee has really improved by on-court performance,” Alicia says.
According to Damon Lucht, director of Brisbane’s Redline Tennis, “Since training with Dundee, Alicia’s improvements have been gigantic. Her end range striking has been incredible, her upper body strength has improved and her core range is stronger than it’s ever been. ”
Alicia’s dream is to become a world-class tennis player – and Dundee wants to help Alicia make this dream come true. You can watch the pair in action here.
Find out more about Dundee’s strength and conditioning training